Thursday, 22 March 2012

It's official!!!

Yippee!!!! Od včerejška už jsem oficiálně matched. Můj au-pair room se změnil na pre-arrival a AupairCare (AC) mě nutí nastudovat 30minutové Driver Training Video a začít pracovat na mém Pre-Departure projektu.
Anne mi napsala email současně s tím od AC, který ukočila slovy: "Lucie, we're really happy to welcome you to our family.  Terrific news for all!"
Takže svůj příští rok, dva, tři a podobně strávím v nádherném San Francisku. Rodišti hnutí hippies, domovu umělců a bývalých vězňů z pardon z Alkatrazu samozřejmě :D
A proč se tam tak těším? I když nevím jestli jsem úplně nejšťastnější člověk, že budu žít přímo v centru takové megapole, ale jsem nadšená s výběrem mé rodinky, a aby jstě věděli proč....pár citací:

"I saw your profile on Au Pair Care and have been thinking about you for several days.  Today I called the Au Pair office and asked them to coordinate an interview..."

"If you think you can handle a busy life as a "mini mom" organizing a kid calendar and if you like to drive and you enjoy older kids, this might be a good fit. And if you want to take lots of English classes this is a great fit.  You will have time.  And of course San Francisco is a beautiful place.  (We live in the city, everything is accessible by foot or bus.)"

"Hi Lucie,
It's 7:55 a.m. here.  I woke up and first checked email and great to hear from you."

"Someone who likes to cook and can prepare meals when asked (don't worry we are not looking for you to be our personal chef but sometimes if we are late at work, someone who would feel confident to start to prepare the menu we have planned), someone who can feel comfortable making her way in a new place (which you have done by living abroad) and someone who values education and is mellow, happy and flexible and has some passions that she likes to pursue.  Someone who can laugh with us at how crazy and stupid life can be.  Also driving, but I can tell you are not worried about this so not an issue for me.  If you say you can drive, you can drive! "

" Cooking is important to us as a family and I ahve to say your pictures show that you not only can cook you like to. That's great.  Our au pairs have been Mexican and in that culture the moms of families who send people to university are really focused on having their daughters achieve and as a result the mothers tend to do everything.  So the au pairs have not been able to cook.  What I say they can't cook, I mean they really can't cook.  Like trying to boil water in a mixing bowl sort of stuff, which was funny when I saw it.  It was a bit difficult to get each up to the basic task of planning a healthy breakfast.  Oatmeal burned etc.  (How hard really is oatmeal???)  So I tell you these stories because no one is perfect but this time it woudl be great if I foudn someone who basically had a clue about the room called a kitchen and maybe liked it...   "

"We like to joke around a lot with our kids.  We read more than we watch tv (although we love to do family movies) and we are pretty strict about when the kids play computer and we generally do not allow them to watch any major network tv--just movies we select.  We figure they get enough media from their friends.  We are trying to raise educated children who are throughtful and to us that means that they don't watch crazy reality shows. "

" Grace and I are in a mother daughter book club and Rose loves fantasy and Harry Potter is her absolute fave.  We bought her the movies for xmas and we have all seen each movie together.  They still SCARE the pants off of me.  Rose is fascinated.  We just read this awesome book together called Dragon Tooth.  You must read it--it's as good as Harry Potter and it's the first book in a sequel.  The weird thing is that children's fiction is pretty good.  My husband loves the Percy Jackson books that a lot of kids here are into and he reads them before he goes to bed.  We tease him that those books are probably too hard for him.  "

Co k tomu dodat, kromě toho, že neměli jako většina ostatních rodin rozinterviewovaných ( je tohle vůbec slovo? :D teď už jo!!!) holek, ale napřed se bavili jenom se mnou jako jejich první (a taky poslední muhehe) kandidátkou. Tahle rodinka se k šílenému geekovi jako jsem já bude dokonale hodit ;)

A ano vím...I won't forget to wear some flowers in my hair...

1 comment:

  1. Gratulaceee =) moc ti přeju, aby to vyšlo! =)Vypadají jako fajn rodinka ... a po těch mexičankách tam budeš asi king =D
